RENEWABLE ENERGY MONTH: How storage and the smart grid will take us forward - Energy Management Summit | Forum Events Ltd
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  • RENEWABLE ENERGY MONTH: How storage and the smart grid will take us forward

    960 640 Stuart O'Brien

    In the UK, the push towards sustainability and the reduction of carbon emissions has placed renewable energy technology at the forefront of strategic planning for Energy Managers in both the public and private sectors. The adoption of renewable energy not only aligns with environmental goals, but also offers economic and operational benefits. Here’s a look at the current applications of renewable energy technology by Energy Managers and how its usage is anticipated to evolve…

    Current Applications

    Solar Power: Solar panels are one of the most visible signs of renewable energy adoption. Energy Managers are increasingly deploying solar photovoltaic (PV) systems on buildings and unused land to generate electricity. This not only reduces reliance on grid electricity but also lowers energy costs over time.

    Wind Energy: While large-scale wind farms are more commonly associated with national energy grids, some organisations have started to explore small-scale wind turbines as a means of generating onsite renewable energy. This is particularly applicable in rural or exposed locations with consistent wind speeds.

    Biomass Energy: The use of biomass boilers and heaters, fuelled by wood chips, pellets, or agricultural waste, is another area of focus. These systems provide a sustainable heating solution, significantly reducing carbon emissions compared to traditional fossil fuels.

    Heat Pumps: Ground-source and air-source heat pumps are gaining traction as efficient methods to heat and cool buildings. By extracting heat from the air or ground, these systems use minimal electricity and can significantly reduce energy bills and carbon footprints.

    How Usage is Likely to Evolve

    Integration with Smart Grids: The future of renewable energy in the UK is closely tied to the development of smart grids. These advanced energy networks can intelligently manage the distribution of electricity, incorporating renewable energy sources more effectively. Energy Managers will play a key role in integrating their organisations’ renewable energy systems with smart grids to optimise energy usage and contribute to grid stability.

    Energy Storage Solutions: As the adoption of renewable energy grows, so does the need for effective energy storage solutions. Technologies like battery storage systems are set to become more prevalent, allowing Energy Managers to store excess energy generated during peak production times for use when production is lower. This not only ensures a consistent energy supply but also maximises the financial benefits of renewable installations.

    Innovative Renewable Technologies: The continuous innovation in renewable energy technologies presents new opportunities for Energy Managers. Emerging technologies, such as floating solar panels and tidal energy, could offer novel ways to generate renewable energy in space-constrained environments or coastal areas.

    Increased Focus on Decentralisation: The trend towards decentralised energy systems, where energy generation and consumption occur closer together, is expected to grow. This shift will see Energy Managers playing a pivotal role in developing localised energy solutions that reduce transmission losses and enhance energy security.

    Renewable energy technology is set to remain a key focus for Energy Managers in the UK’s public and private sectors. With advancements in technology and the evolving energy landscape, the applications of renewable energy are expected to become more integrated, efficient, and innovative, driving forward the UK’s commitment to a sustainable and low-carbon future.

    Are you searching for Renewable Energy solutions for your organisation? The Energy Management Summit can help!

    Photo by Thomas Richter on Unsplash


    Stuart O'Brien

    All stories by: Stuart O'Brien