Stuart O'Brien, Author at Energy Management Summit | Forum Events Ltd

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Stuart O'Brien

Winds of Change: How the renewables revolution is harnessing AI

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The last government announced funding to help deliver clean energy transitions with the expansion of an artificial intelligence (AI) development scheme. Worth up to – and possibly beyond – £100m, renewable energy is set to be the latest industry to benefit from the artificial intelligence revolution.

After many of the nation’s Net Zero commitments were relaxed or reneged on under the Conservative government, increasing the level of automation in the renewables space could be a key way to reaffirm our net zero goals.

To better understand the myriad use cases of AI in the renewables sector, we spoke with Charlotte Enright, Head of Renewables at commercial finance experts Anglo Scottish Finance to discuss how AI is being used – and could continue to be used – in the future…

Predicting energy demand peaks and troughs

“If you’re anything like me,” says Enright, “you’ll often pop the kettle on for a cuppa during an ad break when watching terrestrial TV – and even while streaming, thanks to the introduction of ads on popular streaming services.” It’s well-known that this has placed strain on the power grid in the past, but now thanks to AI, we can predict more than just a quick cuppa break when we’re waiting for Coronation Street to come back on.

By analysing vast swathes of power usage data, AI can help the power grid manage demand better by understanding when we’re using energy the most. That same principle applies to renewable energy too: these AI-powered systems can understand when renewable energy is available and when it’s required.

This also makes integrating renewable energy into the grid easier. Predicting wind power can help us to understand how much energy can be collected by turbines, which can in turn forecast how much of it will be available to the grid.

Karen Panetta, an Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers’ fellow, adds: “[AI is used to] correlate trends and do better forecasting. AI can allow us to explore relationships and look at ways to mitigate failures in the grid and understand how to re-distribute energy in the most efficient ways.”

Keeping energy generators up and running

Renewable energy generators, like wind turbines and solar panels, are not immune from wear and tear and the need for maintenance. But rather than waiting for a fault to occur to fix generators, businesses are using AI for predictive maintenance.

This involves using sensors placed on the generators, which will analyse data and predict when it’ll need maintenance performed. “Considering how many of these generators – particularly wind turbines – are placed in remote locations,” Enright comments, “this allows for the strategic scheduling of maintenance to minimise downtime.”

As well as predicting the maintenance of generators like wind turbines, AI can also be harnessed to monitor temperature and identify hot spots on large-scale solar panels, which can indicate malfunctioning cells. Maintenance can be performed on the panels, but in the meantime, they can be re-angled to optimise the power captured.

Simulating and predicting weather conditions

Another of AI’s many renewable applications lies in its ability to predict – and then simulate – future weather conditions.

Enright says: “Renewable energy will always be available in the sense that there will always be sun, wind, organic material and rain. The unpredictability comes in that it’s not always sunny, rainy or windy – and too much or a lack thereof these conditions can then affect organic materials like the growth of grass and plants.”

“Intelligent weather simulators are being used to predict future weather conditions, giving us insight into our future energy capture potential. But these tools are used in a way that far outstrips simple weather reports; one simulator shows how the layout of a city can impact airflow.

“This means that architects can support the future of renewable energy by using this insight to design buildings and cities that work with the weather and renewable energy sources, not against them,” she adds.

Making generators more sustainable

The production of renewable energy supports the fight against climate change, so it must be fully sustainable, right? Well, not necessarily.

Many renewable energy generators are made from rare earth metals, using valuable and limited resources. As well as the materials themselves, the process of manufacturing these generators can be highly energy-intensive.

“AI is being used to speed up trials of new materials and their performance,” Enright adds, “meaning thousands of manual tests can be condensed into a more manageable number. What’s more, AI can support in making sure that these generators are recyclable once they reach their end of life, a key tenet of sustainability.”

The renewable energy sector is one of many that is benefitting from the transformative effects of AI. From ensuring generator uptime is maximised to predicting energy demand and adapting accordingly, we’re seeing this smart technology improve our generation and usage of renewable energy. And considering the importance of the fight against climate change, this may be one of its most important uses to date.


DATA COLLECTION MONTH: How to create a goals-oriented approach in your organisation

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Navigating the path to net zero requires a data-driven approach. The first crucial step is identifying your energy data collection needs, which hinges on clearly defined goals. This article explores strategies to set achievable and measurable energy management goals, empowering you to gather the most relevant data for effective decision-making…

Aligning with Organisational Objectives:

  • Sustainability Commitments: Is your organisation committed to achieving specific carbon reduction targets? Aligning your energy management goals with these commitments ensures data collection focuses on metrics that track progress.
  • Cost Reduction Initiatives: Are you aiming to reduce overall energy expenditure? Define goals for targeted energy savings across departments or specific facilities.

Prioritizing Specific Areas:

  • Energy-intensive Processes: Identify processes or equipment within your operations that consume the most energy. Focus data collection on these areas to optimize energy usage.
  • Renewable Energy Integration: Do you aim to increase your reliance on renewable energy sources? Data collection should track energy generation from renewables alongside traditional sources.

Defining Achievable and Measurable Goals:

  • SMART Goals: Frame your energy management goals using the SMART framework: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This ensures goals are clear, quantifiable, and attainable within a defined timeframe.
  • Benchmarking: Research industry benchmarks for energy consumption in your sector. This provides a baseline against which to measure your progress and set realistic goals.

Translating Goals into Data Needs:

  • Metrics for Measurement: Once you’ve defined your goals, identify the specific metrics needed to measure progress. This could include energy consumption by fuel type, peak demand periods, or equipment efficiency metrics.
  • Data Collection Granularity: Determine the level of detail required for your data. Do you need hourly, daily, or monthly data breakdowns to track progress towards your goals effectively?

Additional Considerations:

  • Data Accessibility and Integration: Ensure chosen data collection methods make data readily available for analysis. Consider integration with existing building management systems (BMS) or investing in user-friendly data dashboards.
  • Data Security and Privacy: Implement robust data security measures to comply with UK data protection regulations (e.g., GDPR) and ensure the privacy of sensitive energy consumption information.

Benefits of a Goal-Oriented Approach:

By defining clear energy management goals upfront and aligning data collection needs accordingly, senior energy management professionals in the UK can reap significant benefits:

  • Focused Data Collection: Collecting only the data necessary avoids information overload and simplifies analysis.
  • Targeted Improvement Strategies: Data insights pinpoint areas requiring the most attention, allowing you to direct resources towards efficient energy-saving initiatives.
  • Demonstrable Progress: Tracking progress against set goals provides quantifiable evidence of your energy management efforts and their impact on sustainability and cost reduction.

By prioritizing goal-setting and tailoring data collection to your specific needs, you can transform your energy management program into a data-driven force for sustainability and cost-effectiveness. Remember, effective data collection is not about accumulating vast amounts of information; it’s about gathering the right data to inform strategic decision-making and propel your organisation towards its energy goals.

Are you searching for Energy Data Collection Solutions for your organisation? The Energy Management Summit can help!

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Join Direct Line, Jaguar Racing and Liverpool University Hospital at the Energy Management Summit

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Join peers from the UK’s biggest organisations at the Energy Management Summit in London this October and discover the knowledge and solutions for all your projects.

8th & 9th October

Radisson Hotel & Conference Centre, London Heathrow

Fellow buyers already booked to attend include:

Blue Cross, Harris Federation, Direct Line Plc, Liverpool University Hospital Foundation Trust, Surrey County Council, Edinburgh Leisure, Havebury, Safran, Manor Green School, IAG Cargo, Jaguar TCS Racing, Helix, University of London, Turner & Townsend, The Snowfox Group … and many more

…And Many More!

Are you interested in joining them? If so, register for your complimentary place.

Your pass includes:

A personalised itinerary of 1-2-1 meetings, seminar sessions, (seminars TBA, register interest), lunch and refreshments throughout, networking with fellow professionals, overnight accommodation, a 3-course dinner, and more…

Get in touch to find out more about the event, or Register Here.

Study warns retailers away from compostable packaging

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A new multi-trial study by independent environmental and behaviour change experts Hubbub and the University of Sheffield, has found significant improvements in the disposal of certified compostable packaging when people are given clear instructions and consistent labelling.

However, Hubbub warn that compostable packaging is not a silver bullet and should only be used in specific circumstances.

The UKRI-funded study, undertaken as part of the Compostable Coalition UK’s research and demonstration project, investigated how people dispose of compostable packaging in office canteens, retailer take-back schemes, and household waste collections.

The findings showed that people are often bewildered about how to properly dispose of compostable packaging, which leads to low levels of effective disposal and can cause contamination in recycling streams.

Based on the findings of the three studies, Hubbub have set out recommendations in a new report – Unearthed. These include:

  • Prioritise the removal of packaging altogether, choosing reuse or sticking to packaging that can be recycled effectively, over switching to compostables
  • Only use compostable packaging where industrial composting collections exist – currently the majority[1] of local authority food waste collections send the waste to anaerobic digestion systems which can’t accept compostable packaging, and home composting has mixed results. If not disposed of correctly, compostable packaging may contaminate recycling streams, be incinerated or end up in landfill.
  • Introduction of mandatory, standardised disposal labellingfor compostable packaging which clearly specifies which bin to use, in line with the OPRL recycling labels used throughout the UK
  • Introduction of a mandatory front-of-pack compostable message – many participants in the research commented that the front-of-pack message tested prompted them to look at the more detailed disposal instructions on the back of packs
  • Clear producer guidelines on the environmental impact of compostable packaging compared to alternative materials to inform packaging decisions

There is currently no standardised or mandatory disposal labelling for compostable packaging in the UK, with the trials revealing a common theme of consumer confusion and difficulty in correctly identifying and disposing of compostable packaging, due to it looking the same as conventional materials and a lack of clear disposal instructions.

In response, Hubbub and psychologists from the University of Sheffield introduced new distinctive disposal labels and clear communications, and saw increases in the correct disposal of compostable packaging across all three trials. The closed-loop office canteen trial saw 2.4 times more compostable packaging disposed of in the correct bins after the introduction of the labels and new bin signage. Contamination also decreased over the trial period and six months post-trial waste audits showed that improvements remained.

The households trial, conducted with Medway local authority, introduced the new labels alongside information on using the food and garden waste bin and the composting process. This also resulted in positive behaviour change with 1.8 times more compostable packaging correctly disposed of per household compared to before.

The retailer return scheme trial with Riverford also saw more than double the number of customers self-reporting that they had returned their compostable packaging to Riverford to be composted, after receiving new paper liners in their food boxes highlighting the return scheme. Despite the positive results in consumer behaviour change across these trials, Hubbub still calls for caution when deciding whether to use compostable packaging.

Hubbub CEO Alex Robinson warns against overreliance on compostables:“The public are rightly concerned about plastic waste and in recent years we’ve seen an increase in alternatives such as compostable packaging. However, the huge variety of compostables and lack of consistency not only confuses people but can cause significant issues for our waste and recycling systems. There are very specific methods for disposing of the packaging to ensure it gets composted and we simply don’t currently have the infrastructure to support this in the UK.

“There’s a common misconception that using compostable packaging is a quick fix for replacing single-use packaging in an environmentally friendly way, but this often isn’t the case. Both the British public and businesses want to do the right thing, but we need to give them the right guidance to do this. While clear labelling can improve disposal rates, it’s crucial to remember that compostables are not a replacement for a waste reduction strategy.”

Dr Nicola Buckland, Chartered Psychologist, University of Sheffield said: “Across the three studies it was clear that there is consumer confusion around compostable packaging. The interventions we developed and trialled aimed to reduce this confusion by using a number of reminders, including clear and distinctive packaging labels which specified which bin to use for compostable packaging. The results provide compelling evidence that such strategies can be useful for reducing consumer confusion and increasing the rates that compostable packaging ends up in the right bin for industrial composing.”

Compostable Coalition UK includes organisations from the compostable packaging industry, the waste industry and associations, and independent academic and environmental charity experts. The advisory board includes representatives from some of the UKs largest retails, Tesco, Marks & Spencer and Ocado Retail along with WWF and the executive director of OPRL.

If you specialise in commercial Waste Management solutions we want to hear from you!

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Each month on Energy Management Briefing we’re shining the spotlight on a different part of the market – and in August we’ll be focussing on Waste Management.

It’s all part of our ‘Recommended’ editorial feature, designed to help energy management buyers find the best products and services available today.

So, if you’re a supplier of Waste Management solutions and would like to be included as part of this exciting new shop window, we’d love to hear from you – for more info, contact Danielle James on 01992 374085 /

Our features list in full:

Aug 24 – Waste Management
Sept 24 – Solar PV
Oct 24 – Lighting
Nov 24 – Heating & Ventilation
Dec 24 – Onsite Renewables
Jan 25 – Energy Management Systems
Feb 25 – Renewable Energy
Mar 25 – Carbon Management
Apr 25 – Metering & Monitoring
May 24 – Water Management/Strategy
Jun 24 – Energy Storage
Jul 25 – Data Collection & Management

BAE Systems, HS2 and Creagh Concrete join the Made Smarter Innovation Sustainability Accelerator

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Digital Catapult, the UK authority on advanced digital technology, has welcomed eight new participants to the Made Smarter Innovation Sustainability Accelerator, which seeks to improve resource and energy efficiency in UK manufacturing.

Working with BAE Systems, HS2 and Creagh Concrete, the participating companies will receive support from innovation experts at Digital Catapult to co-develop solutions that will establish a more sustainable industrial future.

Delivered by Digital Catapult, the programme is funded by Made Smarter and Innovate UK, to build on the success of the Made Smarter Technology Accelerator, which paired UK manufacturers with technology companies to adapt and improve their approach to industrial innovation.

The new programme will foster deeper strategic collaborations between tech innovators and industrial pioneers to advance sustainable manufacturing initiatives, including the application of digital twin technologies.

BAE Systems, which provides some of the world’s most advanced defence, aerospace and security assets, will work with Digica Solutions Ltd to develop a digital twin of its Factory of the Future research centre. Digica’s solution will demonstrate how environmental factors affect manufacturing operations, while Quaisr Ltd will combine physics-based models with data-driven machine learning tools to increase operational efficiency, whilst reducing energy consumption and resource waste.

HS2 is constructing Britain’s new high-speed railway, comprising 140-miles of track, four new, state-of-the art stations, two depots, 32 miles of tunnel, and 179 bridges. Construction is based at over 350 active sites between West Midlands and London, most of which will be converted to green sites in the coming years, with Infinitive Group Ltd and Material Index seeking to improve the sustainability of this work by optimising the planned deconstruction process. Both startups will develop digital software tools to integrate and analyse deconstruction-related data effectively to support informed decision making about material recapture and reuse, ensuring that when sites are no longer needed, they are sustainably deconstructed.

One of the UK’s largest producers of concrete products, Northern Ireland-based Creagh Concrete, will collaborate with DataFlowIQ, Linearworks, Kinsetsu and Coraledge Ltd to gain accurate, comprehensive insight into its production process. Optimising and digitalising the manufacturing process, while improving energy and operational efficiency, will enable Creagh Concrete to maintain its competitive edge and achieve its sustainability goals.

The programme will offer participants support in the form of sustainability masterclasses, technical monitoring, innovation expertise and peer-to-peer support, to grow each company’s capabilities. The programme will play a critical role in advancing industrial sustainability through the adoption of deep technology, and comes as it was announced that the country is halfway to net zero, with emissions cut by 53% between 1990 and 2023.

Participating startups and SMEs will each receive £75,000 funding to develop a proof of concept and a further £100,000 will be available for up to four companies to progress to phase two. Phase two will support the successful companies to develop pilot prototypes, culminating in a showcase in early 2025 to pitch their solutions to investors and industry leaders.

DATA COLLECTION MONTH: The secrets to powering up your insights with trusted vendors

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For senior energy management professionals, navigating the path towards a more sustainable future hinges on accurate and insightful data. Whether you’re in the public or private sector, robust data collection solutions are essential to identify inefficiencies, optimise energy use, and achieve cost savings. However, with a multitude of options available, selecting the right tools can be a challenge. Here are some top tips to help you source trusted energy data collection solutions for your organisation…

Know Your Data Needs:

  • Define Your Goals: Start by clearly outlining your energy management goals. Are you aiming for carbon neutrality,reducing peak demand charges, or improving equipment efficiency? Knowing your objectives will guide your data collection needs.
  • Identify Key Metrics: Determine the specific energy metrics you need to track. This might include real-time energy consumption, power factor, temperature readings, or equipment performance data.
  • Consider Integration: Ensure the chosen solution integrates seamlessly with your existing building management systems (BMS) or other relevant software. This ensures a centralised platform for all your energy data.

Research and Evaluate Solutions:

  • Go Beyond Features: Don’t be swayed by flashy features alone. Focus on solutions that offer reliable data collection, secure data storage, and user-friendly reporting functionalities.
  • Free Trials and Demos: Many vendors offer free trials or demos. Utilize these to test the user interface, explore reporting features, and assess the solution’s compatibility with your existing infrastructure.
  • Talk to Existing Users: Seek out references from existing customers of the solutions you’re considering. Their real-world experience can provide valuable insights into the system’s effectiveness, data accuracy, and customer support.

Focus on Security and Scalability:

  • Data Security is Critical: Energy data can be sensitive. Ensure the vendor prioritizes data security with robust encryption protocols and adherence to relevant UK regulations like GDPR.
  • Scalability for Future Growth: Choose a solution that can scale with your organisation’s needs. Will it accommodate additional buildings, meters, or changing data requirements in the future?
  • Future-Proof Technology: The energy landscape is constantly evolving. Look for solutions that are adaptable and integrate with emerging technologies like Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

Beyond Technology: Building a Partnership:

  • Seek a Collaborative Partner: Sourcing data collection solutions is just the first step. Look for a vendor who offers ongoing support, training on the system, and collaboration to optimize data analysis and action plans.
  • Industry Expertise: Consider partnering with a vendor who offers domain expertise in your specific sector. Their understanding of industry benchmarks and best practices can provide valuable guidance in interpreting your energy data.
  • Transparent Communication: Open communication is key. Choose a vendor who is transparent about data collection limitations, system updates, and potential cybersecurity risks.

Investing in trusted energy data collection solutions empowers energy management professionals to make informed decisions. By following these top tips, you can navigate the market with confidence, select the right partner, and unlock the power of data to drive energy efficiency, cost savings, and a more sustainable future for your organisation. Remember,data is only valuable if it’s accurate, accessible, and actionable. So, choose wisely and empower yourself to be a leader in the UK’s energy transition.

Are you searching for Energy Data Collection Solutions for your organisation? The Energy Management Summit can help!

Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash

Dogger Bank D wind farm scoping report proposals submitted

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SSE and Equinor, co-developers of the proposed Dogger Bank D fourth phase of Dogger Bank Wind Farm, have submitted a Scoping Report for the project to The Planning Inspectorate.

This follows publication in March 2024 by National Grid ESO of the Transitional Centralised Strategic Network Plan (tCSNP2) which included confirmation that Dogger Bank D will connect into Birkhill Wood, a proposed new 400kV substation located in the East Riding of Yorkshire.

Developed as a 50/50 joint venture between SSE Renewables and Equinor, Dogger Bank D would, if consented and approved for delivery, have an installed capacity of up to 2GW and be located in the North Sea around 210km off the northeast coast at its closest point to shore. Project development has been made possible by the opportunity to maximise the capacity from the eastern part of the current Dogger Bank C site. Dogger Bank D is working closely with The Crown Estate, who manage the seabed around England, Wales and Northern Ireland to agree the progression of Dogger Bank D.

The existing 3.6GW Dogger Bank Wind Farm was granted development consent in 2015 and is currently under construction in the North Sea across three build-out phases, Dogger Bank A, B and C. Once complete, Dogger Bank Wind Farm will be the world’s biggest offshore wind farm in operation.
The proposed fourth phase of the wind farm, Dogger Bank D, has been designated a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP) of more than 100MW of generating capacity. As a result, an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is required for the project to be able to submit a Development Consent Order (DCO) application.

The purpose of the Scoping Report is to request a formal EIA Scoping Opinion from the Planning Inspectorate which would outline the topics to be assessed in the EIA.

Rob Cussons, Project Director for Dogger Bank D at SSE Renewables, said: “The Scoping Report is an important milestone for Dogger Bank D and is a key part of the development of an offshore wind farm. The report lays out the scope of the project proposals and identifies key environmental factors. We look forward to receiving a Scoping Opinion from the Planning Inspectorate and input from consultees which will help inform our development proposals.”

A further round of public consultation on the proposals for Dogger Bank D will take place in Autumn 2024.

EUDR ‘could cost EU consumers up to $1.5 billion’, say analysts

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A new study has explored the impact of EU Sustainability Regulations and the implications of the new EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) for global commodity supply chains and consumer markets.

The EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR), which comes into force at the end of the year, is the latest round of EU sustainability regulation which attempts to influence global regulatory policy and value-chain practices as part of the bloc’s effort to achieve key aims of The European Green Deal such as no net emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050.

The EUDR is arguably one of the most far reaching and impactful pieces of EU sustainability regulation, targeting commodities linked to deforestation, which includes cattle, cocoa, coffee, oil palm, rubber, soya, and wood as well as some of their derived products, such as paper/paperboard, leather, shampoo, chocolate, tyres, and furniture.

Under the EUDR companies that trade in these commodities and their derived products in the EU market or who export them from the EU will need to follow mandatory due diligence reporting of the goods and supply chains they wish to trade in and demonstrate that their products are not linked to deforestation, or to forest degradation through, for example, the expansion of agricultural land. The regulation will require companies and industries in countries that supply the EU to transition to a sustainable, deforestation-free supply chain and legal agricultural value chain if they wish to trade in the EU.

Agribusiness Consultants at GlobalData a leading data and analytics company estimate that EUDR compliance premiums for companies operating in the supply chain for just two of the targeted commodities, oil palm products and their derivatives (such as crude palm oil (CPO) and palm kernel oil (KPO)), and rubber could be in excess of $1.5 billion alone. Whilst companies operating in these supply chains will be able to absorb some of the costs themselves a good proportion of these compliance premiums are likely to be passed onto EU consumers in the form of food and drinks and product price increases.

GlobalData Food & Beverages Consultants’ new study: ‘EU Sustainability Regulations: How the EUDR and other Sustainability Regulations will impact consumer markets’, explores some of the EUs key sustainability regulations focusing on the aims of the EUDR and the compliance challenges ahead for farmers, companies, and manufacturers trading in the commodities targeted by the regulation.

The study also looks at what the EUDR could mean for the global supply chain of the target commodities, the potential impact on consumer markets and pricing within the EU and how the EUDR could affect the bloc’s future competitiveness with China.

With the EUDR coming into full force on 30th December 2024 for large companies (2025 for SME’s), the new study is also a timely reminder for large companies operating in the Food & Beverages, Foodservice, Retail and Packaging sectors to finalise their EUDR compliance strategy over the next six months to avoid being late in aligning their operations with the new EUDR rules.

It could be argued that the EU aims to use the ‘Brussels effect’ to direct global policy on sustainability. This is the idea that the global landscape responds to the EU ‘externalizing’ its laws because the bloc is such a significant global consumer market. According to **Eurostat, the EU has a population of over 448.7 million people, one of the biggest consumer markets in the world.

The European Investment Bank predicts that the EUs various climate actions could result in a potential hit to EU-wide GDP of -0.4% by 2030, taking into account all of the EUs sustainability initiatives, but says the costs of not acting would be greater.

Fred Diamond Senior Food & Beverages Consultant and Analyst at GlobalData, said: “The aims of the EUDR are understandable and cutting greenhouse gas emissions and protecting biodiversity is essential. However, there could be some disruption ahead. The extra demands of the EUDR could lead some commodity suppliers in what the EU terms ‘third countries’ to move away from the EU and increase trade with countries that impose fewer regulatory requirements such as China. Some food categories, such as plant-based meat, may have to reformulate and switch to other protein sources, such as pea protein if the result of the EUDR is an increase in the price of soya for food production.

“The gap between big and small companies could get wider as larger companies are more able to shoulder the additional regulatory burden. The exact impact on consumers will depend on a variety of factors, including how companies choose to respond to the regulation, the extent to which the regulation is enforced, and how much assistance EU member states are willing to give to supplier countries to help them align with the new rules. However, with recent news reports confirming that the world’s top climate scientists expect global heating to go well beyond the current 1.5C target, sustainability regulation associated with cutting greenhouse gas emissions, such as the EUDR which targets deforestation, remains an urgent priority for the planet.”

DATA COLLECTION MONTH: Illuminating efficiencies in energy management using the best data points

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Energy efficiency isn’t just a buzzword – it’s a strategic imperative. Energy managers across the country are embracing a data-driven approach, utilising commercial energy data collection solutions and related services to gain valuable insights into their energy consumption patterns. This empowers them to make informed decisions that can significantly reduce energy costs and contribute to a more sustainable future.,,,

The Power of Data Collection Solutions:

  • Real-Time Monitoring and Alerts: Advanced data collection solutions provide real-time visibility into energy usage across entire business premises. This allows energy managers to identify areas of high consumption and potential energy wastage. The ability to set customisable alerts ensures prompt intervention when energy usage deviates from expected patterns.
  • Detailed Consumption Reporting and Analysis: Data collection solutions generate comprehensive reports that break down energy usage by department, equipment, or even specific machinery. Advanced analytics tools within these platforms enable energy managers to identify trends, understand the impact of operational changes on energy consumption, and target areas for improvement.
  • Improved Metering Infrastructure: Modern data collection solutions integrate seamlessly with existing Building Management Systems (BMS) and smart meters. This eliminates the need for manual meter readings, ensuring data accuracy and streamlining the data collection process.
  • Benchmarking and Performance Tracking: Data collection solutions enable energy managers to benchmark their energy performance against industry standards or similar organisations. This allows them to track progress towards sustainability goals and identify areas where further optimisation is possible.

The Evolving Landscape of Energy Data Management:

As technology continues to evolve, the future of commercial energy data collection and management is likely to see some exciting developments:

  • Integration with Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI-powered features within data collection solutions will become increasingly prevalent. Machine learning algorithms can analyse historical data and energy consumption patterns to predict future usage and recommend proactive energy-saving measures.
  • The Rise of the Internet of Things (IoT): The growing network of interconnected devices (IoT) within commercial buildings will generate even richer data sets. Data collection solutions will seamlessly integrate with IoT devices, providing an even more comprehensive picture of energy consumption patterns.
  • Cloud-Based Solutions and Enhanced Accessibility: Cloud-based data collection solutions will offer greater flexibility and accessibility. Energy managers will be able to monitor energy usage and manage their energy data from any location with an internet connection.
  • Focus on Predictive Maintenance: Data collected on equipment performance can be used for predictive maintenance purposes. By identifying potential issues before they escalate, energy managers can prevent equipment failure and optimise maintenance schedules, leading to improved energy efficiency and reduced downtime.

Commercial energy data collection solutions are empowering UK energy managers to unlock significant cost savings and environmental benefits. As technology advances, we can expect even more sophisticated solutions that leverage AI, IoT,and cloud-based platforms. By embracing data-driven energy management and staying ahead of the curve, UK businesses can ensure a sustainable and energy-efficient future.

Are you searching for Energy Data Collection Solutions for your organisation? The Energy Management Summit can help!

Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash