Speakers - Energy Management Summit | Forum Events Ltd

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Mike Lloyd, Founder – LearnTech.io

“AI For Energy Management”

Unlocking AI’s Potential: Explore how artificial intelligence accelerates the energy transition, transforms power sectors, and optimizes distributed energy systems for a sustainable future.

  • Energy Transition Acceleration: Why AI is a critical tool for achieving net-zero emissions.
  • Sector-Specific Applications: The relevance of AI to energy-intensive sectors such as cement, steel, and construction, where even small gains can make significant differences.
  • Power Sector Transformation: Why AI plays a crucial role in managing intermittent energy sources.
  • Distributed Energy Systems: How AI can help orchestrate and integrate a range of components through networked power grids.
  • Gen AI and Materials Innovation: How AI adds intelligence to data, informing decision-making, complexity reduction and wholistic innovation.

Adam Baker, Sales Director – Equity Energies

“How to take Net Zero from paper to purpose with action which makes a real impact.”

We know every Net Zero journey is different, and so are the resources you have to undertake it. Unfortunately this can leave many businesses passing around decarbonisation plans but not taking the steps to execute it, create true results and make a difference.

  • No more idealistic, let’s bring on realistic.
  • This session is designed to inspire you to take the next action for Net Zero with confidence, no matter where you are on your journey.
  • You should walk away from this session inspired with confidence about the next steps of your Net Zero pathway and knowing that those steps will create real impact for your business.