How would your business benefit by achieving net zero earlier than its competitors? - Energy Management Summit | Forum Events Ltd
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  • How would your business benefit by achieving net zero earlier than its competitors?

    960 640 Guest Post

    By Onsite Energy Projects

    Customers, investors, the planet want business to be more sustainable and to achieve net zero. Achieving net zero will require energy efficiency, a strategy based on data, innovation and funding.  

    The start point is data –what is causing your energy consumption, how is it controlled, how is it bought, what is its carbon footprint, what is the baseload, the peak, when does it happen ?  Also how does your consumption compare to similar businesses … what are your kWh consumed per m2, per m3, is it affected by outside weather ?  Could that indicate outdated plant ? Data is the start point to identify opportunities.  

    We can provide a free review of your energy data and provide those insights that can help you start the net zero journey.  We can also help with innovation and even funding the measures, to enable you to achieve net zero sooner.  How would your business benefit if you could achieve net zero earlier than your competitors ?

    If this sounds interesting then please get in touch with David Kipling at or call him on 07824 018991.  OEP specialises in supporting energy intensive industry.


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