CARBON MANAGEMENT MONTH: From theory to reality as investment ploughs in - Energy Management Summit | Forum Events Ltd
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  • CARBON MANAGEMENT MONTH: From theory to reality as investment ploughs in

    960 640 Stuart O'Brien

    Climate change is a pressing global challenge, and the UK is at the forefront of exploring solutions. Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) technologies are emerging as a critical tool in the fight against climate change. Here we explore the evolving use of carbon capture in both the private and public sectors and how approaches are likely to develop…

    From Theory to Reality:

    CCUS represents a suite of technologies that capture carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from industrial processes and power generation, preventing their release into the atmosphere. Captured CO2 can then be:

    • Utilised: Converted into useful products like fuels or building materials.
    • Stored: Safely sequestered deep underground in geological formations.

    While the concept of CCUS has existed for decades, its large-scale deployment is a relatively recent phenomenon. However, the urgency of tackling climate change has spurred significant progress in the UK:

    • Government Investment: The UK government has pledged significant investment in CCUS projects, aiming to capture and store 20-30 million tonnes of CO2 per year by 2 and over 50 million tonnes by 2035.
    • Private Sector Initiatives: Several major UK companies across sectors like energy, manufacturing, and chemicals are exploring and investing in CCUS technologies.

    Benefits and Challenges:

    CCUS offers a promising approach to decarbonisation, particularly for industries where complete electrification or emission reduction is currently difficult. However, challenges remain:

    • Cost: Capturing, transporting, and storing CO2 can be expensive. Government incentives and technological advancements are crucial for cost reduction.
    • Infrastructure: Developing the necessary infrastructure for large-scale CCUS deployment, including CO2 transportation pipelines and storage sites, requires significant investment and planning.
    • Public Perception: There are potential concerns regarding the safety and long-term effectiveness of geological storage solutions. Robust regulations and public engagement are essential.

    The Road Ahead:

    The future of CCUS in the UK is likely to see continued development and refinement in several areas:

    • Technological Advancements: New capture technologies are being developed to become more efficient and cost-effective, with wider applicability across different industries.
    • Integration with Renewables: CCUS can be combined with renewable energy sources like bioenergy for negative emissions strategies, actively removing CO2 from the atmosphere.
    • Enhanced Monitoring and Verification: Robust monitoring and verification systems will be crucial to ensure the safe and effective long-term storage of captured CO2.

    Collaboration is Key:

    The successful deployment of CCUS requires collaboration across various stakeholders:

    • Public and Private Partnership: Continued government support and partnerships with private industry will be essential for developing and financing large-scale CCUS projects.
    • International Cooperation: Sharing best practices and learnings with other nations actively exploring CCUS can accelerate technological advancements and deployment strategies.

    Capturing the future requires a multi-pronged approach. CCUS, alongside continued investment in renewable energy sources and energy efficiency measures, offers a vital tool for the UK to achieve its net zero ambitions. By addressing existing challenges and fostering collaboration, the UK can position itself as a leader in the development and deployment of this critical technology.

    Are you searching for Carbon Capture solutions for your business? The Energy Management Summit can help!

    Photo by Luca J on Unsplash


    Stuart O'Brien

    All stories by: Stuart O'Brien