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CARBON MANAGEMENT MONTH: Navigating the Green Path – Sourcing carbon management solutions for your organisation

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For Energy Managers, achieving ambitious carbon reduction targets requires a strategic approach. Carbon management solutions providers can be invaluable partners in this journey, offering expertise and tools to measure, reduce, and offset your organisation’s carbon footprint. But with a growing number of providers vying for your attention, selecting the right partner can be a challenge. Here are some top tips to help you find the ideal carbon management solutions provider for your organisation…

1. Define Your Needs & Goals:

Before seeking external solutions, conduct a thorough audit of your energy consumption and carbon footprint. Consider:

  • Energy sources: Identify your primary energy sources (electricity, gas, fuel) and their associated carbon emissions.
  • Industry benchmarks: Compare your energy consumption and carbon footprint to industry benchmarks to understand your relative position.
  • Sustainability goals: Set clear and measurable carbon reduction goals aligned with your organization’s overall sustainability strategy.

2. Expertise and Accreditation:

Carbon management is a complex field. Look for providers with a proven track record and recognized expertise in carbon accounting, reduction strategies, and offsetting options. Seek providers accredited by established organizations like the Carbon Trust or the PAS 2060 standard for carbon neutrality.

3. The Right Fit for Your Industry:

Not all carbon management solutions are one-size-fits-all. Choose a provider with experience working with organizations in your specific industry sector. They will understand the unique challenges and opportunities for carbon reduction within your field.

4. Technology and Data Analytics:

Effective carbon management relies on robust data. Assess the provider’s technology capabilities. Look for solutions that offer:

  • Automated data collection: This allows for real-time monitoring of energy consumption and carbon emissions.
  • Data visualization tools: Clear dashboards and reports help you identify trends and track progress towards your reduction goals.
  • Scenario modelling: Use advanced analytics to explore potential emission reduction strategies and their impact.

5. A Holistic Approach:

Carbon reduction goes beyond simply measuring emissions. The ideal provider will offer a comprehensive approach that includes:

  • Operational efficiency strategies: Identify and implement measures to reduce energy waste within your organization.
  • Renewable energy solutions: Explore options for switching to renewable energy sources such as solar or wind power.
  • Carbon offsetting programs: Offset remaining emissions through verified carbon offset projects.

6. Communication and Collaboration:

Successful carbon management requires buy-in from all levels of your organization. Look for a provider who fosters a collaborative approach and offers communication tools to engage your employees in carbon reduction initiatives.

7. Cost Considerations:

Carbon management solutions come at a cost, but the benefits extend beyond regulatory compliance. Consider the long-term value of reduced energy bills, improved brand reputation, and attracting sustainability-conscious customers and investors.

8. Track Record and References:

Seek references and case studies from similar organizations that have used the provider’s services. Their experiences can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of the solutions offered and the overall quality of service.

Bonus Tip:

Consider attending industry events and conferences to learn about the latest advancements in carbon management solutions and network with potential providers.

By following these top tips, Energy Managers can source the best carbon management solutions providers. The right partner will equip you with the tools and expertise necessary to achieve your carbon reduction goals, contributing to a more sustainable future for your organisation and the environment.

Are you searching for Carbon Capture solutions for your business? The Energy Management Summit can help!

Photo by Matthias Heyde on Unsplash

Cutting-edge innovations ‘driving investment boom’ in green hydrogen

960 640 Stuart O'Brien

The clean energy landscape is gaining significant momentum in 2024, fuelled by substantial support from major economies and venture capitalists propelling the advancement of green hydrogen technology.

Recent months have witnessed a pronounced uptick in interest and investment in this domain. At the forefront of this innovative wave is green hydrogen, a pioneering technology for producing net-zero, clean fuel.

This rising trend is also fueled by several high impact innovations in green hydrogen technology, as highlighted by Technology Foresights, a proprietary framework developed by GlobalData.

Globally, the surge in interest surrounding green hydrogen is unmistakable, underscored by significant developments in various regions. In India, projects valued at $2 billion have received clearance, with plans to invest up to $12 billion in the coming years dedicated to green hydrogen production. Mirroring this commitment, Italy has earmarked a substantial $1.1 billion fund specifically for the establishment of electrolyzer factories crucial to green hydrogen processes.

Notably, Morocco is aligning with this global trend, designating 1 million hectares of land for green hydrogen production. This momentum is further accentuated by substantial venture capital investments, as evidenced by leading investors such as TPG Capital and Temasek injecting multimillion-dollar funds into green hydrogen startups in recent months. These developments underscore a growing global interest in green hydrogen, propelled by both governmental initiatives and private sector investments.

Sourabh Nyalkalkar, Practice Head of Innovation Products at GlobalData, comments: “The evolution of hydrogen production technologies reflects a significant shift from carbon-positive to net-zero carbon solutions. The industry has transitioned from conventional syngas or methane reforming methods, associated with carbon emissions, to advanced technologies leveraging renewable sources like solar and hydro for hydrogen production. Notably, the innovation radar for green hydrogen highlights emerging technologies such as photocatalyst electrodes and electrochemical water splitting, anticipated to be impactful innovations in the long run. This progression underscores a concerted effort towards sustainable and environmentally friendly hydrogen production methods.”

Key players in green hydrogen production technology, such as Toshiba, Panasonic, and Topsoe, are at the forefront of innovation in photocatalyst electrodes. These industry leaders are expanding their focus beyond traditional materials like titanium and zinc, aiming to develop highly efficient electrodes capable of facilitating electrochemical reactions for hydrogen production. Importantly, these major players are securing contracts from public entities to establish hydrogen production facilities. For instance, Panasonic received orders from Greater Manchester, while Topsoe successfully secured projects from the Australian government, supplying technology crucial for green hydrogen production.

Nyalkalkar concludes: “The green hydrogen startup landscape is currently ablaze with innovation, attracting substantial investments from prominent stakeholders worldwide. In the first quarter of 2024 alone, leaders in the photocatalyst electrode startup landscape monitored on Technology Foresights, including Sunfire, Ohmium, and Verdagy, have collectively raised nearly $500 million from top-tier venture investors. This surge in investment and innovation activities suggests a promising future for the industry, prompting stakeholders in the energy sector to stay vigilant.

“To capitalize on this growing momentum, strategic pivots and exploration of new growth opportunities through collaborations and acquisitions are essential for securing a foothold in this rapidly evolving and promising space.”

If you specialise in commercial energy Metering & Monitoring we want to hear from you!

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Each month on Energy Management Briefing we’re shining the spotlight on a different part of the market – and in April we’ll be focussing on Metering & Monitoring.

It’s all part of our ‘Recommended’ editorial feature, designed to help energy management buyers find the best products and services available today.

So, if you’re a supplier of Metering & Monitoring solutions and would like to be included as part of this exciting new shop window, we’d love to hear from you – for more info, contact Danielle James on 01992 374085 / d.james@forumevents.co.uk

Our features list in full:

Apr 24 – Metering & Monitoring
May 24 – Water Management/Strategy
Jun 24 – Energy Storage
Jul 24 – Data Collection & Management
Aug 24 – Waste Management
Sept 24 – Solar PV
Oct 24 – Lighting
Nov 24 – Heating & Ventilation
Dec 24 – Onsite Renewables
Jan 25 – Energy Management Systems
Feb 25 – Renewable Energy
Mar 25 – Carbon Management

CARBON MANAGEMENT MONTH: From theory to reality as investment ploughs in

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Climate change is a pressing global challenge, and the UK is at the forefront of exploring solutions. Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) technologies are emerging as a critical tool in the fight against climate change. Here we explore the evolving use of carbon capture in both the private and public sectors and how approaches are likely to develop…

From Theory to Reality:

CCUS represents a suite of technologies that capture carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from industrial processes and power generation, preventing their release into the atmosphere. Captured CO2 can then be:

  • Utilised: Converted into useful products like fuels or building materials.
  • Stored: Safely sequestered deep underground in geological formations.

While the concept of CCUS has existed for decades, its large-scale deployment is a relatively recent phenomenon. However, the urgency of tackling climate change has spurred significant progress in the UK:

  • Government Investment: The UK government has pledged significant investment in CCUS projects, aiming to capture and store 20-30 million tonnes of CO2 per year by 2 and over 50 million tonnes by 2035.
  • Private Sector Initiatives: Several major UK companies across sectors like energy, manufacturing, and chemicals are exploring and investing in CCUS technologies.

Benefits and Challenges:

CCUS offers a promising approach to decarbonisation, particularly for industries where complete electrification or emission reduction is currently difficult. However, challenges remain:

  • Cost: Capturing, transporting, and storing CO2 can be expensive. Government incentives and technological advancements are crucial for cost reduction.
  • Infrastructure: Developing the necessary infrastructure for large-scale CCUS deployment, including CO2 transportation pipelines and storage sites, requires significant investment and planning.
  • Public Perception: There are potential concerns regarding the safety and long-term effectiveness of geological storage solutions. Robust regulations and public engagement are essential.

The Road Ahead:

The future of CCUS in the UK is likely to see continued development and refinement in several areas:

  • Technological Advancements: New capture technologies are being developed to become more efficient and cost-effective, with wider applicability across different industries.
  • Integration with Renewables: CCUS can be combined with renewable energy sources like bioenergy for negative emissions strategies, actively removing CO2 from the atmosphere.
  • Enhanced Monitoring and Verification: Robust monitoring and verification systems will be crucial to ensure the safe and effective long-term storage of captured CO2.

Collaboration is Key:

The successful deployment of CCUS requires collaboration across various stakeholders:

  • Public and Private Partnership: Continued government support and partnerships with private industry will be essential for developing and financing large-scale CCUS projects.
  • International Cooperation: Sharing best practices and learnings with other nations actively exploring CCUS can accelerate technological advancements and deployment strategies.

Capturing the future requires a multi-pronged approach. CCUS, alongside continued investment in renewable energy sources and energy efficiency measures, offers a vital tool for the UK to achieve its net zero ambitions. By addressing existing challenges and fostering collaboration, the UK can position itself as a leader in the development and deployment of this critical technology.

Are you searching for Carbon Capture solutions for your business? The Energy Management Summit can help!

Photo by Luca J on Unsplash

Oil and gas outlook set to be dominated by geopolitics and supply chain dynamics this year

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The oil and gas industry has witnessed a considerable upheaval in its supply chains amid the protracted Russia-Ukraine conflict and renewed tensions in the Middle East. Both of these conflicts could potentially disrupt global oil and gas supplies in 2024, and hence, the themes of geopolitics and supply chains are the hot topics for this year.

It is therefore important for the oil and gas industry to assess the impact of these themes while charting out their growth plans, says GlobalData.

GlobalData’s thematic report, “Top 20 Oil & Gas Themes 2024,” reveals the leading themes that could have a significant impact on oil and gas operations in 2024. Energy security concerns are expected to be the major driver for the oil and gas trade in 2024. Furthermore, the pace of the global transition towards clean energy is likely to be slow in 2024, as several countries are confronted with issues of energy security and inflation.

Ravindra Puranik, Oil and Gas Analyst at GlobalData, said: “The fallout of the Russia-Ukraine conflict has resulted in the restructuring of global energy supply chains in the last two years. Moreover, global energy markets must also have to contend with rising tensions in the Middle East. Thus, geopolitics and supply chain dynamics will impact the decision making of oil and gas companies in 2024.”

The report also puts emphasis on the ESG theme and the themes contributing to the global energy transition. Within ESG, the environment and social aspects of oil and gas operations are the focal point of discussion as they are important for long-term sustainability. Newer industry themes that support the energy transition towards zero-emission technologies, such as renewables, low-carbon hydrogen, carbon capture and storage (CCS), and electric vehicles (EV), are evaluated for their potential impact on the oil and gas business in 2024.

Puranik continued: “Profitability is expected to be critical for driving the financing of decarbonization initiatives in 2024. Moreover, the Ukraine conflict has also exposed the vulnerabilities in clean energy generation and, in a way, pushed back the prospect of peak oil for the time being. This is also likely to benefit natural gas and LNG in supporting global decarbonization goals in the medium term.”

The report evaluates traditional oil and gas themes, namely liquefied natural gas (LNG), shale, and integrated refineries, that are enabling companies to remain competitive in the energy market. Shale oil and gas production could reach record levels in 2024.

The report also reveals how disruptive technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, cloud computing, cybersecurity, the Internet of Things (IoT), robotics, and the metaverse, are impacting the oil and gas industry. Several prominent integrated oil companies (IOCs) have actively sought to digitalize their operations by employing digital technologies. These technologies are bringing in newer work dynamics to improve efficiency, reliability, and operational security.

Puranik concluded: “Oil and gas companies are expected to continue to expand the deployment of digital technologies across their operations in 2024. As the industry prepares to become agile and pursue a long-term energy transition, digital technologies will play a pivotal role in achieving these objectives.”

Five ways AI is transforming data centres

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The tech landscape is undergoing a remarkable transformation. This is currently driven predominantly by advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), the Internet of Things (IoT), quantum computing, automation, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and cybersecurity.

These advancements are bringing unprecedented opportunities for business growth and improved quality of life. However, they also pose wider operational challenges that must be addressed. This includes concerns over job displacement for many people, privacy concerns, and cybersecurity risks. Within this wider landscape, AI, in particular, is playing a significant role in transforming and improving how data centres operate. 

With that in mind, Mark Grindey, CEO, Zeus Cloud shares five ways that data centres can use developments in AI to their advantage to optimise efficiency, enhance performance, and streamline operations. 

Optimising Efficiency and Performance

  1. Predictive Maintenance: Data centres consist of numerous interconnected systems and equipment. AI algorithms can analyse real-time data from sensors and usage patterns to predict when equipment may fail or require maintenance. By identifying potential issues in advance, data centres can schedule maintenance tasks, minimise downtime, and reduce costs associated with unplanned outages.
  2. Energy Efficiency: AI algorithms can monitor energy consumption patterns and optimise energy usage in data centres. By analysing data on workload demands, temperature, and power usage effectiveness (PUE), AI can identify areas where energy can be saved and provide insights for improving energyefficiency. This not only reduces operational costs but also contributes to environmental sustainability.
  3. Intelligent Resource Allocation: Data centre resources, such as servers, storage, and networking equipment, need to be allocated efficiently to handle varying workload demands. AI can analyse historical data, usage patterns, and performance metrics to optimise resource allocation in real-time. This ensures that resources are allocated dynamically, matching workload requirements, and reducing inefficiencies or over-provisioning.
  4. Enhanced Security: Data centres store large volumes of sensitive and valuable data. AI-powered security systems can analyse network traffic, identify anomalies, and detect potential security threats or attacks. By continuously monitoring data traffic and patterns, AI can provide real-time threat detection, prevention, and response, enhancing the overall security posture of the data centre.
  5. Intelligent Data Management: With the exponential growth of data, data centres face the challenge of efficiently managing and processing large volumes of information. AI can help automate data management tasks such as data categorisation, classification, and retrieval. AI-powered data analytics can extract valuable insights from massive datasets, facilitating informed decision-making and improving operational efficiency.


By harnessing the power of AI, data centres can optimise their operations, improve efficiency, and provide better services to their customers. However, it is important to ensure that AI systems are implemented ethically, with appropriate oversight and safeguards in place. As AI technologies continue to evolve, the potential for innovation in data centres will continue to grow, enabling them to stay at the forefront of the ever-evolving tech landscape – all of which raises questions to end users around whether their data centre provider is making use of AI to not only improve the service they receive, but also to keep data secure.

Photo by NASA on Unsplash

Registration is now open for October’s Energy Management Summit… Now is the time to book!

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The Energy Management Summit is a bespoke and highly targeted event, where you can meet with a selection of top suppliers, who can help with your upcoming plans and projects, alongside opportunities to network with peers & access to seminars!

You will be provided with a personalised itinerary of pre-arranged, 1-2-1 meetings with suppliers relevant to you. No hard sell, and no time wasted.

The event is entirely free for industry professionals, like you, to attend.

8th & 9th October 2024

Radisson Hotel & Conference Centre, London Heathrow

Your free pass includes;

– A corporate itinerary of one-to-one meetings with leading solution providers

– A seat at our industry seminar sessions, soon to be announced – keep an eye out, register your interest here

– Full hospitality including lunch and refreshments throughout

– Multiple networking breaks to make new connections in your field

– Overnight accommodation

– A gala dinner with a showcase entertainment

Places are in high demand, book your spot here.

RENEWABLES MONTH: Sourcing Sustainability – Top tips for choosing trusted providers in the UK

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The UK’s transition to a greener future presents both public and private sector energy management professionals with a new challenge: sourcing reliable and trusted renewable energy solutions providers. With a multitude of options available, navigating the market and selecting a reputable partner can feel overwhelming. However, by following these top tips from Energy Management Summit attendees, you can confidently choose a provider that meets your specific needs and helps your organisation achieve its sustainability goals…

1. Define Your Requirements:

Begin by clearly outlining your organisation’s energy consumption profile and sustainability aspirations. Factors to consider include desired energy source (e.g., solar, wind, biomass), target electricity or heating needs, budget limitations, and preferred project scale (on-site generation, power purchase agreements). Understanding your specific needs facilitates a focused search and helps eliminate providers who don’t offer compatible solutions.

2. Seek Industry Accreditation:

Prioritise providers that hold relevant industry accreditations, demonstrating their commitment to quality and adherence to best practices. Look for memberships in organisations like theRenewable Energy Association (REA), the Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS), and the Federation of Environmental Trade Associations (FETA).

3. Evaluate Track Record and Expertise:

Research the provider’s experience in delivering similar renewable energy projects in the UK. Look for a proven track record of successful installations, a team with qualified and experienced personnel, and a strong understanding of the specific regulatory environment in the UK.

4. Prioritise Financial Stability:

Renewable energy projects often involve significant upfront investments. Choose a provider with a demonstrably stable financial background to mitigate potential risks associated with project completion and ongoing maintenance. Request financial statements and inquire about project financing options.

5. Look Beyond Cost:

While cost-effectiveness is important, consider the long-term value proposition. Evaluate the provider’s after-sales support, maintenance capabilities, and warranty offerings. Opting for a slightly higher initial cost may be justified by longer-term benefits, such as extended equipment lifespan and ongoing technical support.

6. Request References and Case Studies:

Seek references from previous clients within your sector or with similar project requirements. This provides valuable insights into the provider’s communication style, project execution capabilities, and post-installation support. Additionally, requesting case studies allows you to assess the provider’s approach to specific challenges and project outcomes.

7. Ensure Transparency and Clear Communication:

Open communication throughout the project lifecycle is paramount. Choose a provider that prioritises clear communication, providing regular updates on project progress, addressing concerns promptly, and proactively informing you of any potential challenges.

8. Consider Contractual Considerations:

Be meticulous in reviewing contracts and establishing clear expectations. Ensure the contract outlines key aspects such as project scope, warranties, performance guarantees, payment terms, and dispute resolution mechanisms. Seek legal counsel if needed to ensure the contract effectively protects your organisation’s interests.

By following these top tips, energy management professionals in the public and private sectors can navigate the renewable energy provider landscape with confidence. Choosing a trustworthy partner will play a crucial role in achieving your organisation’s sustainability goals and contributing to a greener future for the UK.

Are you searching for Renewable Energy solutions for your organisation? The Energy Management Summit can help!

Photo by Anders J on Unsplash

The electronics trends manufacturers should know about for 2024

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Britain’s manufacturers have begun the year with renewed optimism, and the market sector of electronics manufacturing is no different. A growing number of UK manufacturers feel they’re moving ahead of their continental counterparts and are maintaining a positive outlook for the year ahead.

Increased automation, a focus on purpose-built solutions for healthcare applications and further usage of new technology are driving electronics manufacturing forward, with excitement in the sector around new innovations.

The recent news that Elon Musk’s Neuralink project has successfully implanted a brain-computer interface into a human subject’s brain gives an indication of the types of technologies we can expect to see in the short and long-term future.

Paul Dearman, Head of Business Development at specialist cable assembly and electronics manufacturer GTK, has noted a shift in the way that manufacturers interact with their suppliers, with increasingly more rigorous standards required, particularly for specialist projects. We spoke to him to better understand the other electronics trends that today’s original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) should be aware of for 2024…

Solutions for healthcare

With the release of the NHS’ business plan for 2023/24 in September, priorities for publicly-funded healthcare institutions like hospitals and care homes have shifted. Following the merger between NHS England and NHS Digital in February 2023, there’s a greater focus than ever on pushing the NHS forward using technology.

The NHS’ technological priorities for this financial year include delivering “technology upgrades across primary care,” “addressing legacy technology constraints,” and “leveraging innovation to transform health and care.”

“Demand for electronics to be used in healthcare applications is growing, as seen in Q4 of 2023,” notes Dearman. “Electronics producers who are unable to match the complex demands of the healthcare sector risk missing out on a significant chunk of business.”

Evolved manufacturing techniques

Expect technological advances to continue streamlining the electronics manufacturing process through 2024. Internet of Things (IoT) integration has increasingly taken precedence in the sector over the last few years, and that trend shows no signs of slowing down.

Automation will also become more important than ever in 2024 and affect an even greater number of business functions. Automation has already helped expedite the early stages of product development, enabling manufacturers to bring a product to market more quickly than ever. For instance, visualisation tools such as Graphisoft’s Archicad have made it far simpler to create serviceable early-stage designs, freeing up time and resources for the production process.

As such, says Dearman: “Firms who aren’t automating extensively can expect to get left behind by more efficient manufacturers.”

IoT for manufacturers and customers alike

Just as IoT has become an integral part of the manufacturing process, it’s also being increasingly implemented in both residential and business applications. As well as smart homes, business use applications such as supply chain management are becoming more common.

One of the impacts of the growing use of IoT and smart-connecting devices, according to Dearman, is the increased demand for reliable connectivity solutions. “These technologies have necessitated a call for reliable data and power transmission in non-standard settings – OEMs require cable assemblies and connectors that are robust enough to meet those needs in more difficult environments.”

OEMs should therefore be aware of the increased demand for purpose-built solutions, and consider how their existing infrastructure can adapt to support that.

Customisation is king

In 2024, expect your customers to be looking for more bespoke, customised solutions than ever before. Hyper-personalisation has been a growing trend across a range of sectors for a number of years, but demand for bespoke electronics is expected to increase during the year ahead.

Technological advancements are part of the reason behind this – the growing use of machine learning means that businesses can understand their customers in more depth than ever and cater to them more efficiently.

“The demand for personalisation is taking a number of forms”, says Dearman. “Whether it’s small customisations like one-off overmoulding or entirely bespoke solutions, firms need to be prepped to create built-for-purpose solutions.”

Capacitive touch solutions

Given the wide range of electronics that the average consumer interacts with during a given day, OEMs should consider the importance of UI, ergonomics and aesthetics when creating a device that’s designed for direct user input. For example, GTK reports an increase in the level of demand for capacitive touchscreens in its display solutions, as users have now come to expect on-screen controls.

Google Search data backs this up – searches for “capacitive touchscreen” and “capacitive touch sensor” have increased by 23% and 21% respectively compared to January 2023, indicating that demand for these solutions is growing, especially as they becomes more cost-effective for industrial applications.

Sustainability concerns remain vital

As net zero edges closer, businesses across the country are interrogating their operating practices in more depth. Sustainability is becoming a more important concern than ever, as stakeholders at every level become increasingly concerned about the provenance of their electronics.

Offering your customers alternative or sustainably sourced materials could be the difference between winning their business and failing to do so. Many of today’s alternative cabling solutions provide the same durability and performance as their traditional alternatives, so it’s worth considering whether your business has incorporated these into its new product designs.

“Understanding your customers and their habits for the year ahead could be the difference between your business surviving and thriving, so it’s vital to get in front of those trends and understand exactly what they need”, Dearman comments.

Photo by Louis Reed on Unsplash

Prepping for Net Zero: How your SME can create a Net Zero strategy

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Small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) are vital to the consumer fabric of the modern world and are responsible for between 60% and 70% of the world’s industrial carbon emissions. However, they’re often overlooked when it comes to national policy, with huge corporations usually afforded the focus of UK policymakers.

With Sir Keir Starmer’s recent announcement that the Labour Party will shred its flagship pledge to spend £28bn a year on renewable energy projects, the UK’s commitment to its net zero goals have been once again called into question.

We spoke to Charlotte Enright, Renewables Specialist at green finance experts Anglo Scottish Asset Finance, to discuss the state of the net zero landscape, how environmentally minded SMEs can overcome the obstacles they’re faced with and how to create a robust net zero strategy…

The onus on SMEs

The Labour Party’s U-turn on renewables spending mirrors a policy change by Rishi Sunak’s Conservatives back in September, where he decided to relax some of the country’s net zero commitments. This means that, irrespective of the result of the impending general election, the UK’s SMEs face uncertain governmental guidance when it comes to achieving net zero.

The lack of cohesive guidance has already caused problems for UK businesses, who face further uncertainty going forward. The 2023 edition of the Net Zero Barometer Report by the British Standards Institute (BSI) indicates that two-thirds of decision-makers at UK SMEs do not feel confident in their path to net zero.

Similarly, the same study showed that SMEs across various UK sectors are crying out for guidance from the government. 28% of respondents believed that educational projects would help them reach net zero, while a further 22% feel they need more information in order to get there.

Cultural change…

Money and funding issues aside, it’s particularly difficult for SMEs to completely adapt their business practices without total buy-in at all levels of the company. Enright advises that there’s no substitute for real operational change.

“Everyone, at every level of your company, must be pulling in the same direction to begin making real strides from a net zero perspective,” she states. “Too often, we’re seeing firms nominate dedicated net zero individuals or teams. These staff members are given the impossible task of reducing company emissions without sufficient funding or support from upper management.”

…from top to bottom

It’s not just the upper management who should be involved in the net zero process, however. SMEs should be looking to engage employees of all levels in net zero strategies. It’s often those who are working with company technologies and procedures every day who can provide the most insight into how to streamline those processes.

“Company-wide consultation on net zero strategy might be a challenge to organise initially, but it’s likely to lead to increased employee advocacy for your net zero program and the wider company alike,” says Enright. “Your company could even gain a competitive PR advantage by doing so.”

Increasing emission visibility

Once you’ve ensured that the entire company is onside with your company’s sustainability mission, it’s vital to take a strategic view in terms of monitoring emissions. “For most SMEs,” says Enright, “the best primary course of action is getting a handle on where exactly your emissions come from.”

Corporate emissions can be categorised into three distinct groups – or scopes – a system devised by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol – the world’s most-common greenhouse gas accounting standard. These are:

Scope 1 emissions

Emissions from sources that an organisation owns or controls directly – for example from burning fuel in a fleet of vehicles (if they’re not electrically powered).

Scope 2 emissions

Emissions that a company causes indirectly. These emissions tend to come from where the energy that the company purchases and uses is produced. For example, the emissions caused when generating the electricity used in your building would fall into this category.

Scope 3 emissions

Emissions that are not produced by the company itself and are not the result of activities from assets owned or controlled by them. These emissions are those that your business is indirectly responsible for up and down its value chain. Scope 3 emissions include all sources not within the scope 1 and 2 boundaries.

Understanding where the bulk of your company’s emissions come from is the first – and perhaps most vital – step in ascertaining your goals.

Setting goals

With visibility over where your company’s emissions come from, the next step is setting your goals. The best plans for net zero are regularly reassessed at regular intervals to ensure progress is being met. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-sensitive (SMART) targets of varying lengths are necessary to keep the big picture in mind and to meet shorter-term targets.

Planning for 2050 – the UK’s current net zero goal – should be the endgame, but successful net zero strategies must be reachable via a series of shorter two-to-three year targets that work in pursuit of the wider goal.

Success will look different for different companies. Your targets can take inspiration from similar, aspirational businesses, but must be tailored to you and your needs. The Oxford Martin Net Zero Carbon Investment Initiative has published a series of Principles for Climate-Conscious Investment to inform and guide your firm’s spend on the way to net zero.

Taking collective action

Collaboration with businesses across your supply chain is a great place to start your net zero strategy, enjoy increased visibility over results and maximise your impact. Most SMEs work regularly with partners or suppliers who will be in the same boat as you when it comes to net zero compliance – and working together can reap a whole host of shared benefits.

Consult with your partners to collectively adopt and promote net zero initiatives, and ensure that your entire value chain is contributing to reducing emissions. As well as helping progress each partner towards net zero, you will likely enhance your collective reputation as a result of standing together on environmental issues.

Recent months have also revealed strong results from a number of collaborations between larger corporations and SMEs. If your SME functions as part of the supply chain for a larger corporation, it may be worth discussing how they can utilise their resources to support associated businesses.

However, it’s vital that any net zero collaboration your business makes is aligned with the Green Agreements Guidance, monitored and administered by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA). This set of guidelines can be used to ensure your collective green action does not fall foul of competition law.

Financial modelling

“The U-turns from both the Tory and Labour parties indicate just how volatile the net zero landscape is,” comments Enright. “So, it’s understandably daunting for SMEs to invest in sustainable infrastructure, particularly when we take fixed cost increases and inflation into account.

“One way to combat this,” she states, “is by first investing in dedicated sustainability modelling tools. These could take the form of training courses, to help better understand the risks associated with a sustainable investment, or a digital tool, to project the performance of your investment in various sustainable initiatives.

“Knowing how to accurately conduct sensitivity and scenario analyses could be the difference between rushing into an ill-advised outlay, or investing successfully,” she advises.

Accessing funding

Even with access to the latest financial modelling software and training, the amount of operational change required for some SMEs may be impossible using only internal funding. In the current landscape, it’s vital that mid-sized businesses are aware of the external funding facilities available to them.

These could come in the form of government funding. SMEs may be eligible for different government grants or loans intended for businesses investing in green technologies with a view to limiting emissions.

Dedicated green bonds and green loans are another valuable facility at your disposal. Global uptake of these green finance methods increased from $5.2bn to $540.6bn between 2012 and 2022, indicating the importance of green finance in the route towards net zero.

These are monitored centrally according to the Green Loan Principles (GLP), which dictate that you must report your company spend on green initiatives, as well as the impact those projects have made.

Enright comments: “Inconsistent messaging from UK leaders has made it difficult for SMEs to know where they stand with regards to national sustainability and how much of the weight of the UK’s net zero push falls on their shoulders.

“Regardless of what your company is being asked to do by the government, a net zero policy is important in terms of your company’s role in the wider push for sustainability. It can also give you a competitive advantage!”

With the right guidance, creating a net zero strategy for your SME need not be as as daunting as it might seem

Photo by Hendrik Schuette on Unsplash