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If you specialise in commercial Waste Management solutions we want to hear from you!

960 640 Stuart O'Brien

Each month on Energy Management Briefing we’re shining the spotlight on a different part of the market – and in August we’ll be focussing on Waste Management.

It’s all part of our ‘Recommended’ editorial feature, designed to help energy management buyers find the best products and services available today.

So, if you’re a supplier of Waste Management solutions and would like to be included as part of this exciting new shop window, we’d love to hear from you – for more info, contact Danielle James on 01992 374085 / d.james@forumevents.co.uk

Our features list in full:

Aug 24 – Waste Management
Sept 24 – Solar PV
Oct 24 – Lighting
Nov 24 – Heating & Ventilation
Dec 24 – Onsite Renewables
Jan 25 – Energy Management Systems
Feb 25 – Renewable Energy
Mar 25 – Carbon Management
Apr 25 – Metering & Monitoring
May 24 – Water Management/Strategy
Jun 24 – Energy Storage
Jul 25 – Data Collection & Management

ENERGY STORAGE MONTH: Powering up for the future with the best solutions

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Energy storage is emerging as a crucial pillar for a more sustainable and resilient future. For both private and public sector organisations, navigating the evolving landscape of energy storage solutions providers can be challenging. Here are our top tips for energy management professionals seeking a trusted partner…

1. Understanding Your Needs:

Before embarking on your search, clearly define your energy storage requirements. Consider factors like the size and purpose of your facility, peak energy usage patterns, and desired level of grid independence. Do you require battery storage for peak shaving, load shifting, or backup power?

2. Prioritise Experience and Track Record:

Energy storage is a rapidly evolving field. Look for providers with a proven track record of successful installations and a strong understanding of the UK market. Seek references to verify their experience and ensure they can deliver solutions tailored to your specific needs.

3. Scrutinise Technology and Innovation:

The energy storage landscape offers a variety of technologies with varying benefits and drawbacks. Li-ion batteries are currently dominant, but other options like flow batteries or compressed air energy storage (CAES) may be better suited for specific applications. Evaluate the provider’s technology expertise and commitment to innovation, ensuring they offer solutions that deliver optimal performance and long-term value.

4. Seek Financial Security and After-Sales Support:

Energy storage solutions are a significant investment. Choose a provider with a strong financial track record and a robust after-sales support network. This ensures access to ongoing maintenance, service contracts, and technical expertise throughout the lifespan of the storage system.

5. Focus on Integration and System Design:

Energy storage systems are not standalone solutions. Ensure the provider can seamlessly integrate the chosen technology with your existing energy infrastructure and building management systems. A well-designed system optimizes energy usage and maximizes the benefits of storage capabilities.

Bonus Tip: Embrace Sustainability:

Sustainability should be a key consideration. Look for providers offering solutions manufactured with responsible sourcing practices and a focus on minimizing environmental impact throughout the lifecycle of the storage system.

By following these tips, UK energy management professionals in both the private and public sector can effectively source trusted energy storage solution providers. This empowers them to navigate the energy transition with confidence, enhance energy security, and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Are you looking for Energy Storage solutions for your organisation? The Energy Management Summit can help!

Photo by Rampal Singh on Unsplash

Research indicates students are putting environment ahead of education resources

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Over three quarters (80%) of students have avoided printing a resource they know could have helped their learning due to environmental concerns.

That’s according to research from Epson, which surveyed 200 UK students aged 16 and up has revealed that, despite a staggering 90% of UK students agreeing that printed learning materials (e.g. print outs or revision sheets) help them to understand and retain information better than digital materials alone, many are reluctant to print.

Sustainability concerns are at the core of students’ reluctance to prioritise their learning, with nearly all of those surveyed (98%) agreeing that they worry printing too much could be seen as wasteful and damaging to the earth.

As a result, 8 in ten (83%) students feel conflicted about printing the materials they need because they want to be as eco-friendly as possible.

In a bid to understand how leaders could respond, the research also showed that 80% of students agree their learning would be improved if their place of education had more sustainable print solutions, such as Heat-Free inkjets that use less energy and create less waste than laser printers[i].

Speaking about the research, Nick Taylor, Head of Sales for Office Printing at Epson UK, commented: “Students across every country surveyed as part of this study not only worry about the impact printing can have on the environment but have acted on that concern to the potential detriment of their education.

“This could not only limit the attainment of students themselves, but places pressure on the education sector, which is measured on its ability to improve results and prepare young people for what lies ahead. Educational institutions must act. It’s unfair to force learners to choose between their future and that of the planet. Heat-free inkjet printers can provide the printed materials students are crying out for while reducing energy use and waste[ii].”

As Epson Heat-Free inkjet printers use no heat in the printing process, it means they consume less energy than laser printers. Most also have fewer moving and consumable parts[iii] meaning a longer and life span for the product, making it the more sustainable choice.

Building controls specialists want to ‘influence and shape sustainability policy’

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The Building Controls Industry Association (BCIA) says it is experiencing more membership applications as the sector gains increasing significance given the UK’s sustainability targets and the growing global building automation system market.

The BCIA works to ensure the acknowledgement and adoption of controls solutions within the construction industry, leading on lobbying and advocacy and promoting wider understanding and information.

Offering members the chance to influence and shape policy and legislation, and work collaboratively to shape a more sustainable future, the BCIA says it has been inundated with companies seeking membership in recent months.

In the first four months of 2024, the association has welcomed 17 new members, namely: County Energy Services, Crane BSU, Energy Logic, Integral Controls, Kempston Controls, Modern Electrical Vision, Niagara Rise, Novious Building Performance, Pulse Automation, Robell Controls, Robell Maintenance, PEAC Controls, Smart Control Systems, Synergy Mission Critical, Techwise Systems, 1 Control, and Triangle Controls.

Given the important role that building automation systems will have in the decarbonisation of UK buildings and helping the government achieve its net zero target by 2050, it’s no surprise that membership numbers are increasing.

Indeed, new member 1 Control is looking forward to working closely with the BCIA to drive positive change in the industry, commenting: “As a people-first company dedicated to pushing the boundaries of Building Management Systems and creating better work environments, we’re excited to connect and collaborate with the BCIA’s network of forward-thinking industry leaders.

“We believe in the power of innovation to shape a smarter, more sustainable future. Together, we can build a stronger BMS community and drive positive change within the industry.”

BCIA President Stacey Lucas highlighted the important role that the BCIA can play in expanding industry knowledge and positioning the building controls sector as a key player in the UK’s sustainability plans.

She said: “As an organisation that leads policy and standards for its members, we offer a myriad of benefits. Members can receive regular informative emails to keep them up-to-date on all relevant industry news and regulation changes, as well as access an exclusive member’s portal and take part in training courses, discounted specifically for them.

“It’s an incredibly exciting time to be in the building controls sector, with the drive to achieve sustainability targets creating fascinating opportunities for innovation. We look forward to our new members working collectively to further the sector and champion the great work carried out by the industry every single day.”

Photo by Meritt Thomas on Unsplash

If you specialise in commercial Energy Data Collection & Management solutions we want to hear from you!

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Each month on Energy Management Briefing we’re shining the spotlight on a different part of the market – and in July we’ll be focussing on Data Collection & Management.

It’s all part of our ‘Recommended’ editorial feature, designed to help energy management buyers find the best products and services available today.

So, if you’re a supplier of Data Collection & Management solutions and would like to be included as part of this exciting new shop window, we’d love to hear from you – for more info, contact Danielle James on 01992 374085 / d.james@forumevents.co.uk

Our features list in full:

Jul 24 – Data Collection & Management
Aug 24 – Waste Management
Sept 24 – Solar PV
Oct 24 – Lighting
Nov 24 – Heating & Ventilation
Dec 24 – Onsite Renewables
Jan 25 – Energy Management Systems
Feb 25 – Renewable Energy
Mar 25 – Carbon Management
Apr 25 – Metering & Monitoring
May 24 – Water Management/Strategy
Jun 24 – Energy Storage

ENERGY STORAGE MONTH: The crucial role being payed by battery storage

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Renewables are variable in nature, generating power intermittently. This is where battery storage steps in, offering a game-changing solution for Energy Managers in both the public and private sectors. Let’s explore how battery storage is being harnessed as a vital component of a sustainable energy mix, while acknowledging the practical and cost considerations that remain…

Storing Sunshine and Wind: Batteries for a Renewable Future

Battery storage technology allows for the capture and storage of excess energy generated during peak renewable production periods. This stored energy can then be released to meet demand during low renewable output times, such as windless nights or overcast days. Energy Managers are utilizing battery storage for several key benefits:

  • Reduced Reliance on Fossil Fuels: By storing renewable energy, organizations can decrease their dependence on fossil fuel-generated electricity, lowering carbon emissions and contributing to a cleaner energy grid.
  • Lower Energy Costs: Storing energy during off-peak hours, when electricity prices are lower, allows for utilization during peak periods when prices are higher, leading to cost savings.
  • Improved Grid Stability: Battery storage acts as a buffer, absorbing excess renewable energy and releasing it gradually, mitigating fluctuations in the grid and promoting grid stability.

From Public Buildings to Private Businesses: Battery Storage for All

Battery storage solutions are finding applications in a diverse range of sectors:

  • Public Sector: Government buildings, hospitals, and schools can utilize battery storage to integrate more renewables into their energy mix, promoting sustainability and reducing energy costs.
  • Private Businesses: Factories, data centres, and commercial buildings are adopting battery storage to capitalize on lower electricity prices during off-peak hours and ensure uninterrupted power supply.

The Practicalities and Costs: Considerations for Energy Managers

While the benefits are undeniable, Energy Managers need to weigh several practical and cost-related factors:

  • System Size and Capacity: The size and capacity of the battery storage system will depend on specific energy consumption patterns and desired level of energy independence.
  • Lithium-ion Dominance: Currently, lithium-ion batteries are the most widely used technology, but their cost remains a key consideration.
  • Deployment and Maintenance: Installation, ongoing maintenance, and potential battery degradation over time need to be factored into the overall cost equation.

The Future of Battery Storage: Innovation and Affordability

Despite the current cost considerations, the future of battery storage is bright:

  • Technological Advancements: Research and development efforts are focused on improving battery efficiency,lifespan, and reducing production costs.
  • Government Incentives: The UK government is implementing schemes to incentivize investment in battery storage, making it more accessible for businesses and organizations.

Investing in a Sustainable Future:

Battery storage offers a powerful solution for Energy Managers to navigate the evolving energy landscape in the UK. By embracing this technology, organizations can become more sustainable, reduce reliance on fossil fuels, and potentially lower energy costs. While practical and cost considerations remain, ongoing innovation and government support make battery storage a key driver for a clean and secure energy future.

Are you looking for Energy Storage solutions for your organisation? The Energy Management Summit can help!

Photo by Kumpan Electric on Unsplash

ENERGY STORAGE MONTH: How demand is evolving in the UK’s public and private sectors

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With a growing focus on renewable energy sources like wind and solar, the need for robust energy storage solutions has become paramount. Let’s explore how approaches to energy storage in both the public and private sectors have evolved in recent years, and what exciting possibilities lie ahead for Energy Managers navigating this dynamic space…

From Back-up to Strategic Asset: The Public Sector’s Shift

Traditionally, energy storage in the UK primarily focused on short-term solutions like pumped hydro storage, utilized by the public sector to manage peak demand and grid stability. However, with renewables becoming a larger portion of the energy mix, the need for longer-duration storage has become increasingly evident.

Government Initiatives and Long-Term Vision:

The UK government has recognized the importance of energy storage, launching consultations and funding initiatives to explore and incentivise long-duration storage solutions. This shift acknowledges the need for storing excess renewable energy generated during peak periods for use during periods of low renewable output.

The Rise of Battery Storage in the Private Sector:

While long-term storage solutions are still in development, the private sector has seen a rapid rise in the adoption of battery storage solutions. These solutions offer Energy Managers advantages such as:

  • Reduced Energy Costs: By storing energy during off-peak hours and utilizing it during peak periods, businesses can benefit from lower electricity prices.
  • Improved Grid Resilience: Battery storage can act as a buffer, mitigating the impact of sudden fluctuations in energy demand and supply.
  • Increased Use of Renewable Energy: Energy storage allows businesses to integrate a higher percentage of renewable energy into their energy mix, promoting sustainability and environmental responsibility.

The Future of Energy Storage Solutions for Energy Managers:

As innovation continues to drive the energy storage sector, exciting possibilities await Energy Managers:

  • Flow Batteries and Compressed Air Storage: These emerging technologies offer the potential for longer-duration storage, enabling a more complete shift towards renewable energy sources.
  • Hybrid Storage Solutions: Combining different storage technologies, like batteries with pumped hydro, could optimize energy management strategies for specific needs.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning: These technologies can be used to optimize energy storage deployment and utilization, maximizing cost savings and grid stability benefits.

A Collaborative Approach: Public and Private Partnership

The future of energy storage in the UK hinges on collaboration. Public-private partnerships will be crucial for developing a robust energy storage infrastructure that supports the continued integration of renewable energy sources. Energy Managers can play a vital role in advocating for and implementing innovative storage solutions within their organizations.

Investing in a Secure and Sustainable Future

By embracing the evolution of energy storage solutions, Energy Managers can ensure a secure and sustainable energy future for their organizations. Reduced reliance on fossil fuels, lower energy costs, and a cleaner grid are all within reach.So, let’s harness the power of innovation and unlock the full potential of energy storage in the UK.

Are you looking for Energy Storage solutions for your organisation? The Energy Management Summit can help!

Photo by Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash

CALL FOR SPEAKERS: Share your thoughts on today’s biggest energy management trends

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If you’re an energy management professional and would like to share your knowledge, case studies and best practice with peers, then please get in touch – we have speaking opportunities upcoming at the Energy Management Summit this October.

This long-running and unique, invite-only event is attended by senior energy management professionals and leading suppliers, offering a great environment for networking and knowledge sharing within specialist seminar sessions.

Among the topics we’re looking for thought leadership on are sustainability, cost saving projects, carbon reduction, innovative energy solutions and more.

The Energy Management Summit takes place on October 8th & 9th at the Radisson Hotel & Conference Centre Heathrow Airport.

So, if you would like to deliver a talk sharing your experiences and knowledge with delegates, please contact Natasha Cobbold at n.cobbold@forumevents.co.uk or visit https://forumevents.co.uk/speaker-opportunities.

Greening The Grid, Not Breaking The Bank: The affordable way UK businesses can make a difference

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UK businesses are under increasing pressure to reduce their carbon footprint. Stakeholders, employees, customers, and the government alike are all demanding quantifiable sustainable practices. The good news? Going green doesn’t have to break the bank. Ripple offers a simple, affordable solution for businesses to take meaningful environmental action.

Slashing Carbon Footprints, Boosting Credibility

Ripple helps businesses to co-own renewable energy sources such as solar parks and wind farms. This allows companies to power themselves with genuinely green electricity, thereby reducing reliance on fossil fuels, and significantly lowering operational carbon footprints. Reduced monthly energy bills are a further benefit of embracing the cooperative energy ownership model.

“We’re increasingly thinking about the CO2 emissions impact of our manufacturing. The difficulty is, in most cases still, the greenest solution is not the cheapest one and in a competitive market place you’ve got to be competitive.” Darren Joint of Viking Signs, a Ripple business member, noted. “Consumers are beginning to choose the more sustainable choice and we’re trying to drive that with the tools that we can create ourselves. With Ripple the opportunity to create new [energy] generation was what we were attracted to. As with many SMEs, we don’t own our building, it’s leased. So that’s an advantage of the cooperative model of remote resource.”

Such commitment to sustainability not only benefits the environment and business bottom lines, but also demonstrates a company’s position as an environmental leader in its sector. This, by looking at alternatives to commonplace ESG strategies which can include corporate Power Purchase Agreements and green tariffs. Instead, with Ripple, companies directly increase the UK’s renewable energy capacity while also reaping profitable rewards.

Engaging Stakeholders, Attracting Top Talent

Stakeholders are increasingly scrutinising professional environmental practices and ESG strategies. Aligning with Ripple’s mission of green energy for all represents a significant step in the right, planet-first, direction. Furthermore, recent data suggests that employees are increasingly drawn to companies that prioritise sustainability and reward such operations with low staff turn-over, another significant cost-saving.

Making The Switch Is Simple

Ripple makes transitioning to renewable energy effortless. Interested businesses can use the online calculator to understand how much their chosen number of shares will cost and what this will mean in terms of monthly bill savings for decades to come. Flexibility is built-in with companies able to create a green energy portfolio across multiple projects, equating to a maximum of 120% of their annual electricity consumption. Purchase and onboarding can all be managed online, or with assistance from the Ripple for Business team.

Once a project is built and operating, real-time generation and savings data is displayed on a personalised dashboard, making stakeholder reporting simple.

Leading The Green Revolution

By partnering with Ripple, businesses can significantly reduce their environmental impact, contribute to a country-wide push for sustainable practices, enhance their reputations, and attract top talent – all at an affordable price. Ripple membership represents a growing movement of UK businesses taking a stand for a greener future, today.


WATER MANAGEMENT MONTH: Turn the tide in your favour by choosing the best suppliers

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Rising water costs coupled with an ever-increasing demand for this precious resource necessitate proactive water management strategies. But with a multitude of water management solutions providers vying for your attention, navigating the options can feel like searching for an oasis in a desert. Fear not! Here are some top tips to help you find the perfect partner to quench your organisation’s water usage and reduce your environmental footprint…

Understanding Your Water Consumption

  • Water Audit & Benchmarking: Conduct a comprehensive water audit to identify areas of high water consumption within your facilities. Benchmark your water usage against industry standards to assess your efficiency.
  • Identifying Leakages: Leaking pipes and inefficient fixtures can account for significant water wastage. Invest in leak detection technologies or implement regular visual inspections.
  • Water Usage Breakdown: Disaggregate your water consumption data to identify specific areas where water reduction strategies can be implemented. This could include washrooms, catering facilities, or irrigation systems.

Matching Provider Expertise

  • Industry Experience: Seek providers with a proven track record in your specific sector, whether it’s facilities management, hospitality, or manufacturing. They’ll understand the unique water challenges you face.
  • Solution Portfolio Review: Ask for a portfolio showcasing the provider’s water management solutions. Look for a range of options like rainwater harvesting systems, water-efficient fixtures, or real-time monitoring technology.
  • Sustainability Credentials: Prioritise providers who are committed to sustainable practices and offer solutions that align with your organisation’s environmental sustainability goals.

Functionality and Cost-Effectiveness

  • Return on Investment (ROI): Evaluate the ROI of proposed solutions. Consider upfront costs, potential water savings, and long-term operational savings. Choose solutions that offer a clear pathway to cost reduction.
  • Scalability & Future Planning: Select solutions that can adapt to your organisation’s future needs. Consider potential growth or changes in occupancy that might impact water consumption.
  • Integration Considerations: Water management solutions should ideally integrate with existing building management systems (BMS) for centralized data monitoring and improved operational efficiency.

Collaboration and Partnerships

  • Clear Communication: Choose a provider who actively listens to your needs and works collaboratively throughout the planning and implementation stages. Open communication fosters a successful partnership.
  • Staff Training and Engagement: Enquire about the provider’s approach to staff training and engagement.Empowering staff with water-saving practices is crucial for a sustainable water management strategy.
  • Ongoing Support & Maintenance: Ensure the provider offers reliable technical support and maintenance services to ensure the ongoing effectiveness of the implemented solutions.

Beyond the Meter: A Holistic Approach

Leading water management solutions providers go beyond simply installing technology. Look for partners who offer a comprehensive approach:

  • Data Analytics & Insights: Real-time data analysis of water usage patterns allows for targeted interventions and continuous improvement strategies.
  • Behavioural Change Programs: Engaging staff through awareness campaigns and water-saving incentives promotes a culture of water conservation within your organisation.
  • Regulatory Compliance Support: Providers can help navigate complex water regulations and ensure your organisation remains compliant.

Investing in a Sustainable Future

By following these top tips and fostering a collaborative partnership with a water management solutions provider, you can significantly reduce your organisation’s water footprint, lower costs, and demonstrate your commitment to environmental sustainability. Remember, water is a precious resource, and its responsible management is not just an environmental responsibility, it’s a smart business decision. So, take action, source the best partner for your needs, and turn the tide towards a more water-efficient future for your organisation.

Are you searching for Water Management Services for your organisation? The Energy Management Summit can help!

Photo by Wesley Tingey on Unsplash