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2nd MPU

DATA COLLECTION MONTH: The secrets to powering up your insights with trusted vendors

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For senior energy management professionals, navigating the path towards a more sustainable future hinges on accurate and insightful data. Whether you’re in the public or private sector, robust data collection solutions are essential to identify inefficiencies, optimise energy use, and achieve cost savings. However, with a multitude of options available, selecting the right tools can be a challenge. Here are some top tips to help you source trusted energy data collection solutions for your organisation…

Know Your Data Needs:

  • Define Your Goals: Start by clearly outlining your energy management goals. Are you aiming for carbon neutrality,reducing peak demand charges, or improving equipment efficiency? Knowing your objectives will guide your data collection needs.
  • Identify Key Metrics: Determine the specific energy metrics you need to track. This might include real-time energy consumption, power factor, temperature readings, or equipment performance data.
  • Consider Integration: Ensure the chosen solution integrates seamlessly with your existing building management systems (BMS) or other relevant software. This ensures a centralised platform for all your energy data.

Research and Evaluate Solutions:

  • Go Beyond Features: Don’t be swayed by flashy features alone. Focus on solutions that offer reliable data collection, secure data storage, and user-friendly reporting functionalities.
  • Free Trials and Demos: Many vendors offer free trials or demos. Utilize these to test the user interface, explore reporting features, and assess the solution’s compatibility with your existing infrastructure.
  • Talk to Existing Users: Seek out references from existing customers of the solutions you’re considering. Their real-world experience can provide valuable insights into the system’s effectiveness, data accuracy, and customer support.

Focus on Security and Scalability:

  • Data Security is Critical: Energy data can be sensitive. Ensure the vendor prioritizes data security with robust encryption protocols and adherence to relevant UK regulations like GDPR.
  • Scalability for Future Growth: Choose a solution that can scale with your organisation’s needs. Will it accommodate additional buildings, meters, or changing data requirements in the future?
  • Future-Proof Technology: The energy landscape is constantly evolving. Look for solutions that are adaptable and integrate with emerging technologies like Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

Beyond Technology: Building a Partnership:

  • Seek a Collaborative Partner: Sourcing data collection solutions is just the first step. Look for a vendor who offers ongoing support, training on the system, and collaboration to optimize data analysis and action plans.
  • Industry Expertise: Consider partnering with a vendor who offers domain expertise in your specific sector. Their understanding of industry benchmarks and best practices can provide valuable guidance in interpreting your energy data.
  • Transparent Communication: Open communication is key. Choose a vendor who is transparent about data collection limitations, system updates, and potential cybersecurity risks.

Investing in trusted energy data collection solutions empowers energy management professionals to make informed decisions. By following these top tips, you can navigate the market with confidence, select the right partner, and unlock the power of data to drive energy efficiency, cost savings, and a more sustainable future for your organisation. Remember,data is only valuable if it’s accurate, accessible, and actionable. So, choose wisely and empower yourself to be a leader in the UK’s energy transition.

Are you searching for Energy Data Collection Solutions for your organisation? The Energy Management Summit can help!

Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash

Dogger Bank D wind farm scoping report proposals submitted

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SSE and Equinor, co-developers of the proposed Dogger Bank D fourth phase of Dogger Bank Wind Farm, have submitted a Scoping Report for the project to The Planning Inspectorate.

This follows publication in March 2024 by National Grid ESO of the Transitional Centralised Strategic Network Plan (tCSNP2) which included confirmation that Dogger Bank D will connect into Birkhill Wood, a proposed new 400kV substation located in the East Riding of Yorkshire.

Developed as a 50/50 joint venture between SSE Renewables and Equinor, Dogger Bank D would, if consented and approved for delivery, have an installed capacity of up to 2GW and be located in the North Sea around 210km off the northeast coast at its closest point to shore. Project development has been made possible by the opportunity to maximise the capacity from the eastern part of the current Dogger Bank C site. Dogger Bank D is working closely with The Crown Estate, who manage the seabed around England, Wales and Northern Ireland to agree the progression of Dogger Bank D.

The existing 3.6GW Dogger Bank Wind Farm was granted development consent in 2015 and is currently under construction in the North Sea across three build-out phases, Dogger Bank A, B and C. Once complete, Dogger Bank Wind Farm will be the world’s biggest offshore wind farm in operation.
The proposed fourth phase of the wind farm, Dogger Bank D, has been designated a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP) of more than 100MW of generating capacity. As a result, an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is required for the project to be able to submit a Development Consent Order (DCO) application.

The purpose of the Scoping Report is to request a formal EIA Scoping Opinion from the Planning Inspectorate which would outline the topics to be assessed in the EIA.

Rob Cussons, Project Director for Dogger Bank D at SSE Renewables, said: “The Scoping Report is an important milestone for Dogger Bank D and is a key part of the development of an offshore wind farm. The report lays out the scope of the project proposals and identifies key environmental factors. We look forward to receiving a Scoping Opinion from the Planning Inspectorate and input from consultees which will help inform our development proposals.”

A further round of public consultation on the proposals for Dogger Bank D will take place in Autumn 2024.

Join us in London for the Energy Management Summit this October

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We just wanted to update you regarding October’s event – We will now be hosting the Energy Management Summit from the Hilton London Canary Wharf on the 5th October.

In addition to your bespoke itinerary of 1-2-1 meetings with suppliers, your pass also includes lunch, refreshments and access to insightful seminar sessions.

Both live and virtual attendance options are available,

Please could you confirm your attendance details here via our online form.

You can contact us if you have questions.

Energy Management Summit – Meet with the industry again this October

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The Energy Management Summit, taking place on the 4th & 5th October, will give the chance to meet with the industry once again – Register your delegate place today!

Your free pass includes;

– A bespoke 1-2-1 itinerary of relaxed meetings with innovative solutions providers
– Complimentary overnight accommodation, all meals and refreshments throughout
– Access to seminar sessions surrounding the energy management industry
– Networking with other professionals who share your challenges

Join us in person at the Radisson Blu Hotel, London Stansted or if preferred, you can attend via our virtual platform.

Secure your guest pass here or get in touch via the details below if you have any questions.