5 ways to manage higher energy costs & shrink your carbon footprint - Energy Management Summit | Forum Events Ltd
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  • 5 ways to manage higher energy costs & shrink your carbon footprint

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    High energy prices are causing pain for all organisations. But what can you do to tackle rising costs and reduce your carbon footprint?

    It’s impossible to predict the future twists and turns of the energy markets, so it’s essential to find smart new ways to manage energy costs and carbon emissions.

    Centrica Business Solutions’ energy cost reduction guide reveals five opportunities to use energy sustainably for financial and environmental gain.

    5 proven ways to manage cost and carbon reduction

    1. 1. Drive energy efficiency through data. Advanced energy insight technologies provide full visibility of your site-wide energy consumption. This enables you to identify hidden efficiency opportunities, pinpoint operational vulnerabilities; and inform investment and optimisation opportunities.
    2. Generate and store your own low-cost, low carbon power supply. Falling technology costs and higher wholesale energy prices are strengthening the economic case for installing solar PV and battery storage. The return on investment for solar projects has recently increased by a third. For one client we were predicting annual energy savings of £43,000 six months ago, which has now risen to £78,000.
    3. Unlock revenue & cost saving opportunities. By ‘load shifting’ operations with high energy demands from peak periods to a time when energy costs are lower you save on energy bills. Use distributed energy assets, such as solar battery storage systems to unlock flexibility revenues or to provide a green back-up power supply.
    4. Become a sustainable business and gain competitive advantage. Get ahead of increasing energy costs and carbon taxes plus tighter regulation, such as the upcoming Taskforce on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).
    5. Use finance solutions to invest in new energy technology. There are many opportunities to use Opex-based finance, such as our Energy as a Service option, which removes risk, time and financial pressures.

    Centrica Business Solutions are experts in delivering integrated sustainable energy projects – helping you to improve your cost, environmental & operational performance.

    Download our guide: ‘5 Opportunities to manage energy costs’


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