Research indicates students are putting environment ahead of education resources - Energy Management Summit | Forum Events Ltd
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  • Research indicates students are putting environment ahead of education resources

    960 640 Stuart O'Brien

    Over three quarters (80%) of students have avoided printing a resource they know could have helped their learning due to environmental concerns.

    That’s according to research from Epson, which surveyed 200 UK students aged 16 and up has revealed that, despite a staggering 90% of UK students agreeing that printed learning materials (e.g. print outs or revision sheets) help them to understand and retain information better than digital materials alone, many are reluctant to print.

    Sustainability concerns are at the core of students’ reluctance to prioritise their learning, with nearly all of those surveyed (98%) agreeing that they worry printing too much could be seen as wasteful and damaging to the earth.

    As a result, 8 in ten (83%) students feel conflicted about printing the materials they need because they want to be as eco-friendly as possible.

    In a bid to understand how leaders could respond, the research also showed that 80% of students agree their learning would be improved if their place of education had more sustainable print solutions, such as Heat-Free inkjets that use less energy and create less waste than laser printers[i].

    Speaking about the research, Nick Taylor, Head of Sales for Office Printing at Epson UK, commented: “Students across every country surveyed as part of this study not only worry about the impact printing can have on the environment but have acted on that concern to the potential detriment of their education.

    “This could not only limit the attainment of students themselves, but places pressure on the education sector, which is measured on its ability to improve results and prepare young people for what lies ahead. Educational institutions must act. It’s unfair to force learners to choose between their future and that of the planet. Heat-free inkjet printers can provide the printed materials students are crying out for while reducing energy use and waste[ii].”

    As Epson Heat-Free inkjet printers use no heat in the printing process, it means they consume less energy than laser printers. Most also have fewer moving and consumable parts[iii] meaning a longer and life span for the product, making it the more sustainable choice.


    Stuart O'Brien

    All stories by: Stuart O'Brien