ENERGY STORAGE MONTH: How demand is evolving in the UK's public and private sectors - Energy Management Summit | Forum Events Ltd
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  • ENERGY STORAGE MONTH: How demand is evolving in the UK’s public and private sectors

    960 640 Stuart O'Brien

    With a growing focus on renewable energy sources like wind and solar, the need for robust energy storage solutions has become paramount. Let’s explore how approaches to energy storage in both the public and private sectors have evolved in recent years, and what exciting possibilities lie ahead for Energy Managers navigating this dynamic space…

    From Back-up to Strategic Asset: The Public Sector’s Shift

    Traditionally, energy storage in the UK primarily focused on short-term solutions like pumped hydro storage, utilized by the public sector to manage peak demand and grid stability. However, with renewables becoming a larger portion of the energy mix, the need for longer-duration storage has become increasingly evident.

    Government Initiatives and Long-Term Vision:

    The UK government has recognized the importance of energy storage, launching consultations and funding initiatives to explore and incentivise long-duration storage solutions. This shift acknowledges the need for storing excess renewable energy generated during peak periods for use during periods of low renewable output.

    The Rise of Battery Storage in the Private Sector:

    While long-term storage solutions are still in development, the private sector has seen a rapid rise in the adoption of battery storage solutions. These solutions offer Energy Managers advantages such as:

    • Reduced Energy Costs: By storing energy during off-peak hours and utilizing it during peak periods, businesses can benefit from lower electricity prices.
    • Improved Grid Resilience: Battery storage can act as a buffer, mitigating the impact of sudden fluctuations in energy demand and supply.
    • Increased Use of Renewable Energy: Energy storage allows businesses to integrate a higher percentage of renewable energy into their energy mix, promoting sustainability and environmental responsibility.

    The Future of Energy Storage Solutions for Energy Managers:

    As innovation continues to drive the energy storage sector, exciting possibilities await Energy Managers:

    • Flow Batteries and Compressed Air Storage: These emerging technologies offer the potential for longer-duration storage, enabling a more complete shift towards renewable energy sources.
    • Hybrid Storage Solutions: Combining different storage technologies, like batteries with pumped hydro, could optimize energy management strategies for specific needs.
    • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning: These technologies can be used to optimize energy storage deployment and utilization, maximizing cost savings and grid stability benefits.

    A Collaborative Approach: Public and Private Partnership

    The future of energy storage in the UK hinges on collaboration. Public-private partnerships will be crucial for developing a robust energy storage infrastructure that supports the continued integration of renewable energy sources. Energy Managers can play a vital role in advocating for and implementing innovative storage solutions within their organizations.

    Investing in a Secure and Sustainable Future

    By embracing the evolution of energy storage solutions, Energy Managers can ensure a secure and sustainable energy future for their organizations. Reduced reliance on fossil fuels, lower energy costs, and a cleaner grid are all within reach.So, let’s harness the power of innovation and unlock the full potential of energy storage in the UK.

    Are you looking for Energy Storage solutions for your organisation? The Energy Management Summit can help!

    Photo by Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash


    Stuart O'Brien

    All stories by: Stuart O'Brien